At a committee meeting in October 2016 it was decided that the future of the NPS was uncertain. Nomadic had been restored as as of 2015 ownership was transferred from Nomadic Charitable Trust to Titanic Foundation Ltd.

With the ship fully open to the public alongside Titanic Belfast there is no longer volunteer work assisting with regular maintenance etc on-board the ship so many of the local members who had volunteered and attended meetings found other activities to do. Both the local and non-local membership was also dropping due to the poor financial climate and a generally ageing membership.

It was agreed by the committee that the NPS should enter a period of dormancy and reassess any opportunities that arises to continue our aims in support of Nomadic. To assist in this aim the Lifeboat has been hired by White Star Memories to go as part of their Titanic in Pictures exhibition which will also promote Nomadic and the Society to a wider audience internationally. It is hoped the funds raised by the Lifeboats hire may enable the Society to help fund further projects on-board.

The Committee as elected at the last AGM will remain in place and act as Trustees in accordance to the Constitution and Charity rules until the society either restarts or is wound up.