The Lone Star Magazine

When the Society was founded it was planned that the Lone Star would be a quarterly full colour magazine detailing Nomadic’s past, present and future. It quickly became apparent that production time and cost with world wide postages cost on top would not allow this to be acheived so rather than compromise the magazine the number per year was reduce to keep the quality and content.

Being a small Society with a small committee the magazine was an ambitious task but between late 2006 and late 2015 12 issues were produced supplemented for a brief period of time by the Crows Nest newsletter.

Belfast Child

In 2008 The Belfast Child was produced by Mervyn Pritchard, who was employed as the Nomadic’s Maintenance Officer, to extensively detail Nomadic in the condition was was when she arrived back in Belfast and the start of the restoration work mostly done by volunteers before it would have to be handed over to professionals to do the heavy duty work.

Richly illustrated throughout this an indispensable resource to all those captivated by the Titanic and the White Star Line as it details the Edwardian style and beauty still visible in this, the last of the White Star Line ships in existence. The book takes readers on a fascinating and often poignant tour through every nook and cranny, many out of bounds to visitors, on this historic steam ship.

Front cover of The Belfast Child book